Index of

Japanese version index.html is here.

The content of the following mirrors is a reproduction of the content of an original site.
and, I basically do not retouch the content or am not correcting it.
Please acknowledge it though there is partially dead links by occasion of the above-mentioned.

Genbako Kernel[original web site : webmaster is Mr.270]
FrontPage - Revulo's[original web site : webmaster is Mr.Revulo]
kuro-box wow wow![original web site : webmaster is Mr.kaguya(ry]
Pure Kuro-box server Making Plan(ja_JP only)[original web site : webmaster is rutiferu]
Private memo(ja_JP only):./memo.htm[original web site : webmaster is rutiferu]
We've accumulated a very scary story(ja_JP only)[original web site : webmaster is Unknown]
IP list for PeerBlock/[original web site : webmaster is Mr.Logi]

Update schedule No1:Tuesdayfrom 2:00(For about 2-5 hours)
Update schedule No2:24th of Jan. Apr. Jul. and Oct.from 5:00(For about 2-3 days)

NOTE: It changes by the update situation.
NOTE: It might update outside the schedules.

The setting might be changed without a previous notice.
but,(Mostly) It returns to original setting if there is no change notification.

Present setting(change day)

Update interval:Once a week(Tue.)(100525) Weight:0s(100526) Traffic limiting:200k(100526)

Google Adsence Policy(ja_JP only)

# "IP list for PeerBlock/PeerGuardian" is updated only Update schedule No2. (Original site is updated monthly, but Direct Links Prohibition)